I Love My Pet
pet needs some care and attention specially dogs that usually sees
his master as a kind of god, or at least the chief of his pack. Before
you decide to have a pet make sure you understand the creature's nature
and behavior. Remember that despite living in your house with you,
an animal keeps its instincts and if you don't understand it you may
have problems with your pet. After you know all the available pet
animals you can decide which is the best for you. Dogs need to be
with people most of the time but cats are more independent and can
stay alone for longer periods. |
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1- Pack instinct is what makes dogs like group life.
2- A dog likes you no matter who you are.
3- Cats and dogs are equivalent pets.
4- You don't need to understand the animal to have a pet.
5- An animal behavior can be predicted most of the time.
6- Cats are more independent than dogs.
7- The only animals people have as pets are dogs and cats.