Ethics is a series of rules and behaviors to make possible to live in groups or societies. Ethics has to do with moral, philosophy and religion, but not always with this last item. Many ethical principles are also taught as part of a religion. But ethics can depend on people’s uses. For example, for a Japanese is hard to understand some eastern behaviors seem as non-ethical in Japan. On the other hand, some Japanese principles are not easily understood by us. Nevertheless there are some universal principles like telling the truth, not cheating on people, do not steal, do not kill and so on. We can see here some religious influence. Is it difficult to live an ethical life? The answer depends on you and the way you see life. For many people to be ethical is natural.For other people it’s impossible. Some people are ethical or not depending on the circumstances, these are the lawyers and politicians, so say some humorists. When you live with some ethics your life runs cleaner and easier. It’s not difficult to be ethical. All you need is to practice a lot. If your life is guided by ethical principles your path in this world is smooth. But let’s no create illusions. It’s more and more difficult to be ethical in today’s world. Many people are still playing the advantage at any cost game. Politicians steal money from public funds and , the worse of all, they never give it back or go to jail for doing it. Come on people, let’s be more ethical and live a better and cleaner life.It’s wonderful to lay your head on the pillow and sleep in peace, isn’t it? |
Ética é uma série de comportamentos para tornar possível viver em grupos ou sociedades. |
Perguntaram ao Grande Matematico Árabe Al Kharizmi
sobre o ser humano e ele respondeu:
Se tiver Ética ele é 1.
Se for inteligente ele é 10.
Se for tambem rico ele é 100.
Se tambem for bonito ele é 1000. perder o 1 - que corresponde a Ética - ele perderá todo
o seu valor e restarão apenas zeros.