Translate these
sentences into Portuguese
Digite sua resposta na caixa abaixo da pergunta,depois clique em "answer"
para conferir.
1- A man
knows he is getting old when a 18 year old girl calls him "uncle"
2 - Try always to
get the best from everything,even from the troubles
3- I'll get you some
aspirin to help you to get over from that terrible flu
4- Get up early.Get
to work on foot.This will get you in shape.
5- Face the problems.Don't
get back.Get ahead and get along
6- I have to go now.I
can't get home late.
dar uma olhada em GET
7- Did you get along
with your English this week?
8- A man can't get
away from problems getting drunk.
9- Get the problems
in a corner and smash them.
10-Did you get it?-
asked the teacher- nobody got up to answer.
11- We'll be leaving
at any moment.Get ready!
12-Don't bother me!Get
off my back!Leave me alone!Get lost!
13-Get smart with
the word"get" or it will get you some problems!
14-Get all information
about your work.It's the best way to get through problems.
14-Work hard.Work
right.You will get rid of headaches.
vezes mais de uma tradução é possivel.Se sua resposta estiver diferente da nossa
pergunte a seu professor.
Voce pode estar certo também.