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According to the Great Webster dicitionary GET means "conseguir, obter, adquirir". But when the verb is followed by a preposition or another word, the meaning changes completely.

Para evitar mal entendidos vamos à explicação em Português.
De acordo com o dicionário Webster GET significa "conseguir,obter ,adquirir ". Mas conforme a palavra, ou preposição, que o segue o significado muda completamente.
Get admite duas formas de Participio Passado:Got e Gotten .

Veja o GET aplicado em algumas frases simples:
( no final desta página há uma lista de expressões com GET.

I get to work at 8:00 am. (Chego ao trabalho ás 8:00 da manhã)
I got home at 7:00 pm. (Cheguei em casa as 7 da noite)
Get me a pencil,please.(Pegue um lápis para mim por favôr)
The show is getting better and better.(O show esta ficando cada vez melhor)
The car stoped and a man got off. (O carro parou e um homem desceu (ou desembarcou)

Note que nas sentenças acima "get" não foi traduzido pelo seu significado básico.Acontece que traduzir não é apenas trocar as palavras de um idioma pelas do outro.É preciso muitas vezes adaptar para expressões equivalentes.
Veja a página Que é Traduzir?

Isso pode se tornar um problema se não tivermos bom vocabulário em ambos os idiomas.
Mas não vamos desanimar!A maioria das expressões com "get" é bem conhecida e não será problema. De resto um pouco de observação e "desconfiômetro" ajudam muito!
Veja só:se "bus" significa "onibus" então "get a bus" significa "tomar um onibus".
Se"wet" significa "molhado" então "get wet" significa"ficar molhado ou molhar-se".Certo?
Isto resolve todos os problemas com "get"? Bom, não todos mas boa parte deles.

Lembre-se também que,como qualquer verbo,"get" pode ser usado no presente,no passado ou no futuro:
I will get back in five minutes. (Voltarei em cinco minutos)
He got home at midnight. (Ele chegou em casa à meia noite)
He will never get through that final test.(Ele nunca passará pelo exame final)
I got a flu last week but tomorrow I will get over.(Peguei uma gripe na semana passada mas amanhã estarei recuperado)

Na Inglaterra é mais comum o uso de Have + Get (os americanos usam só "have").De qualquer modo a tradução é a mesma:
I have got a car = I have a car (Eu tenho um carro)
I have got a present for you = I have a present for you (Tenho um presente para você)

Na língua falada, e mesmo escrita, é comum o uso de formas contraídas.
I've got = I have got... I haven't got = I have not got... I'll get a ticket = I will get a ticket.

Usa-se com o Present Continuous:
My dog is getting as fat as a pig.
Your birthday is tomorrow.You'll be getting older then.
My son is getting taller than me.

Observe o seguinte diálogo usando expressões com Get.
O diálogo pode soar meio artificial,mas a idéia é mostrar os variados usos de "get" e não criar uma obra literária,certo?

A "get" dialog:

It's 6 o'clock in the morning and a mother is calling her eight year old daughter to go to school:

Mother: Come on Jennifer, get up. Don't get late again!
Girl: OK Mom! I'm getting up right now! Please, get my breakfast ready.
Mom: Of course dear. Get up, go get a shower and get down to the kitchen.  I'll get it ready in 5 minutes and.... Jennifer! Are you getting up?
Girl: Oh mom, I almost got asleep again, but I'm, awake now. I'll get there in 5 minutes.
Five minutes later in the kitchen...
Mom: Come on Jennifer, get rid of sloth, get smart girl, you are too young to be so slow.
Girl: I'm not slow mom, I'm just tired from working at night at the video rental and go to school in the morning.
Mom: Yes I know dear. When you decided to get a job, I told you it wouldn't be easy. But remember that what is good to have it's worth the price you pay, as said your grandfather.
Girl: Yeah, he was right. It's good to have your own money and get the things you need.
Mom: Yes? And what are the things you need Jennifer?
Girl: I told you mom. I want to go to university, after that I want to get a good job, find the right guy, get a home, have a family, get away from this small city and maybe go to New York.
Mom: I see you have big plans for the future, but now your problem is to get at school on time OK? So get ready, get your books and get out, or you'll never have all those things.
Girl: You know? Sometimes I think there are too many "gets" in my life
Mom: Don't get away from your compromises and you'll see that you'll get through the university before you can spell " I've got rid of it"

Para ajudar aqui vai uma lista de expressões com "GET"
Os números entre parenteses referem-se às frases dadas como exemplo de uso após esta lista.




Conseguir , obter , adquirir

Get a move on

Pôr-se a andar , Apressar-se ( 11-12)

Get a ride with

Pegar carona com ( 63 )

Get about

Viajar, locomover-se, espalhar-se (1-2)

Get across

Refazer-se ( choques, surpresas ) - fazer entender ( 3-4)

Get ahead

Progredir , ter bom êxito , passar à frente ( 5-6)

Get along

Ir-se embora , dar-se bem , viver bem (7-8)

Get along in years

Envelhecer (9)

Get along with

Viver bem com , dar-se bem com ( 10)

Get around

Tornar-se conhecido , rodear , enganar ( 13-14)

Get around (somebody)

Tirar vantagem de alguém , enganar (15)

Get at

Chegar a , dar a entender , descobrir (16-17)

Get away

Escapar , buscar alivio, partir ( 18-19-20)

Get away with

Escapar impunemente a (21)

Get back

Regressar , voltar , recuar ( 22-23)

Get back at

Desforrar-se , vingar-se (24)

Get behind

Ficar atrás , atrasar-se , apoiar (25-26-27)

Get by

Sair-se bem , "quebrar o galho "( 28)

Get down

Descer , discutir , anotar, deprimir , engolir ( 29-30-31-32-33)

Get down on

Criticar algo ou alguém (65)

Get down to

Começar a fazer,colocar a mão na massa(66)

Get going

Partir , apressar-se (34-35)

Get in

Entrar , receber (36-37)

Get in on

Participar de (38)

Get in with

Associar-se com, tornar-se amigo de (39-40)

Get it

Apanhar de , Entender (41-42)

Get lost

Suma-se , desapareça ! (59)

Get married

Casar-se ( 61 )

Get off

Descer de , remover , partir , enviar (43-44-45-46)

Get on


Get on the nerves

Irritar extremamente (48)

Get out

Sair , desembarcar ( 49)

Get over

Superar obstaculo,recobrar-se , sarar de doença (50)

Get ready

Aprontar-se (57)

Get rid of

Livrar-se de (58)

Get round

Esquivar-se ( 62 )

Get smart

Fique esperto , esteja atento (60)

Get the gate

Ser despedido do emprego (51)

Get through

Terminar , completar , atravessar (52)

Get to a place

Chegar a um lugar ( 64 )

Get together

Reunir-se (53)

Get up

Levantar-se (54)


Ambição profissional , força pessoal (56)


Fantasia ( de carnaval ) (55)

Frases exemplo de aplicação das expressões com "get"
Para treinar um pouco Clique Aqui

1- It is difficult to get about in the jungle.
2- The scandal gets about fast if it's showed on TV.
3- I can't get across the news that I've heard about my friends.
4- It's dificult to get across scientific ideas if you're not a scientist.
5- If you work hard and do a good job you'll get ahead in this company.
6- May I get ahead of you in this line?
7- Now children, get along.Your parents are waiting for you.
8- He tries to get along with his mother-in-law.
9- Some famous singer lose their voice when they get along in years.
10- He gets along with all his classmates.
11- The policeman told the crowd around to get a move on.
12- If we don't get a move on, we'll be late for the show.
13- Bad news get around very fast.
14- It is easy to get around many Laws if you have a clever lawyer.
15- Young girls can always get around their fathers when they want something special.
16- The animals broke the fence to get at the food.
17- The police asked many questions to get at the facts.
18- "Don't let the horse get away"- he shouted.
19- I go to the mountains to get away from the city noise.
20- Try to get away early so that we can get the first train.
21- Money and influence help many people to get away with crimes.
22- When did you get back from your trip?
23- The fireman shouted at the crowd "Get back! This is dangerous"
24- If you injure him he'll try to get back at you some day.
25- Get behind me and I'll protect you from the dogs.
26- If don't study hard you'll get behind your classmates.
27- Lets get behind the candidate and support him for president.
28- He does just enough work to get by.
29- Help me to get down from the tree, please!
30- Lets go down to business now , OK?
31- Did you get all the information down?
32- A sad movie always gets me down.
33- The candy was too big for the boy to get down and he spat it out.
34- Let's get going before it begins to rain.
35- We must get going if we want reach New York before ten o'clock.
36-Get in my car and I'll drive you home.
37-Did you get in any new rock CD?
38- Everyone wanted to get in the job in that big company.
39- He got in with a bad crowd and was put in prison.
40- He got in with the boss and soon he had a good job.
41- You will get it from me if you brake my TV.
42- I am sorry but I don't get it.
43- Good bye. This is where I get off the bus.
44- He can't get the stains off his clothes by himself.
45- I must get of to California now.
46- Get these packages of at once,please!
47- I usually get on the plane in Rio when I go to Europe.
48- The advertising on TV gets on my nerves.
49- We have to get out now if we want to keep safe.
50- He never got over the death of his young son.
51- He got the gate for his lack of punctuality.
52- We usually get through playing football about six o'clock.
53- Families like to get together on Christmas Day.
54- I get up at 6 o'clok every mornig and go to work.
55- He always has some strange getup for carnival.
56- He has more get-up-and-go than anyone in our company.
57- It's two o'clok. It's better to get ready to leave right now.
58- If you are a boring person everybody will try to get rid of you.
59- I don't want to see you anymore! Get lost! - said the girl.
60- Get smart with people you don't know.They may be not friendly.
61- Next summer I'm going to get married to the woman I love.
62- The boxer was really good. He's always managed to get round the blows.
63- Come on! I'm going your way.Get a ride with me my friend
64- We must get at the theater before the play begins.
65 - My girl is always getting down on me for being late.
66- OK now!Lunch time is finished.Let's get down to work.